Summerfest 2023 - Beautiful Fruit

General Assembly was in the breathtaking Smoky Mountains in Gatlinburg, Tennessee this year. Assembly time also means Summerfest! Summerfest is an opportunity for all of the students of the PCG, from across our nation, to come together and, "as iron sharpens iron," do their thing! Have you ever had the opportunity to see students who were good stewards of the gifts that they have been given? Summerfest was a demonstration of all that beautiful fruit!
This year Impact PCG Student Ministries hosted the largest national Impact Bible Quiz (IBQ) to date. Twenty-three teams came to battle it out, armed with an extensive knowledge of the Word of God.  Have you ever seen a kid who had an entire book of the Bible memorized?! These are the things one gets to witness at Summerfest, the fruit of good stewardship. (See a clip of some Bible quizzing below).
The national Impact Bible Quiz competition was complimented by National Talent Expo (NTE). There were over 160 entires for the competition. Interpretive dance, persuasive speaking, worship team, photography and half a dozen other categories provided the opportunity for students to showcase their hard work and dedication to God, themselves and their team. (Check out the video below of the fifth grader who completely rocked her drum solo performance!)

Stay up to date with all things IMPACT PCG and check out more photos from Summerfest on the IMPACT PCG Student Ministries Facebook Page.

P.S. - It's never too early to start getting ready for Summerfest 2024! Registration for IBQ and NTE will open this Fall. Stay tuned!
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